The format of the donationEntryDate is... "Short Date" and appears in the table as... 7/28/2005, although the time is stored as well because it is entered as... now(). In my date textbox (txtSearchDateStart) on the form for searching this table, I can enter a date only by 2-clicking on the Microsoft Calendar Control 10.0 (MSCAL.OCX).
The format of the Me.txtSearchDateStart is...
ddd", "mmm-dd-yyyy.
I format the contents of Me.txtSearchDateStart as follows for the search SQL string...
datDate1 = "FormatDateTime(Me.txtSearchDateStart, vbShortDate)" that it appears like 8/14/2005.
So then my search string reads...
"SELECT * FROM qryDonationSearchOutput WHERE donationEntryDate = #7/29/2005# ORDER BY donationID DESC"
So , since I use the "=" operator (aside: Is that okay or should I always use LIKE? I still don't understand "LIKE" fully.), I don't get a match for the same date. I DO get a match for the same date/time. How can I force the date in the table to be read as just the date, and not as date AND time???
Daniel Dillon
The format of the Me.txtSearchDateStart is...
ddd", "mmm-dd-yyyy.
I format the contents of Me.txtSearchDateStart as follows for the search SQL string...
datDate1 = "FormatDateTime(Me.txtSearchDateStart, vbShortDate)" that it appears like 8/14/2005.
So then my search string reads...
"SELECT * FROM qryDonationSearchOutput WHERE donationEntryDate = #7/29/2005# ORDER BY donationID DESC"
So , since I use the "=" operator (aside: Is that okay or should I always use LIKE? I still don't understand "LIKE" fully.), I don't get a match for the same date. I DO get a match for the same date/time. How can I force the date in the table to be read as just the date, and not as date AND time???
Daniel Dillon