I work in a department that writes a lot of proposals, and we often copy large sections of formatted text from earlier work and paste into a new document.
When copying a section of a word document in a custom style template and pasting into a new document using the exact same template, often (but not every time) the format will be altered. Usually, bullets will lose their indentation, but sometimes bullets will convert to numbers (with the numbering starting with "0" instead of "1"
Does anybody know why this occurs, why it only happens sporadically, and what I can do about it?
When copying a section of a word document in a custom style template and pasting into a new document using the exact same template, often (but not every time) the format will be altered. Usually, bullets will lose their indentation, but sometimes bullets will convert to numbers (with the numbering starting with "0" instead of "1"
Does anybody know why this occurs, why it only happens sporadically, and what I can do about it?