im embarrased for asking, but i just can't figure it out. It's beenalmost 2 years since i've done some cf-work.
This is the code of desktop.cfm:
*****start code*****
<cfif NOT IsDefined("form.param_status">
<cfquery name="GetStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
select * from dl_status
<cfelseif form.param_status EQ 'off'>
<cfquery name="PutStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
Update dl_status
set status = 'off'
where status_ID = 1
<cfquery name="GetStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
select * from dl_status
<cfelseif form.param_status EQ 'on'>
<cfquery name="PutStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
Update dl_status
set status = 'on'
where status_ID = 1
<cfquery name="GetStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
select * from dl_status
<cfoutput query="GetStatus">
<cfif #status# EQ 'on'>
<cfset #value2# = 'off'>
<cfset #value1# = 'on'>
<cfset #value2# = 'on'>
<cfset #value1# = 'off'>
<cfoutput query="GetStatus">
<cfif #status# EQ 'on'>
Download allowed
Download not allowed
<form action="desktop.cfm" method="post">
<select name="form_status">
<option value="<cfoutput>#value1#</cfoutput>">
<option value="<cfoutput>#value2#</cfoutput>">
<input type="Submit" value="Toggle" name="Submit_button">
*****end code*****
It's supposed to be able to switch the status from on to off and reverse. But i guess something goes wrong with passing the variable to the new instance of the page. I've tried stuff like: action="desktop.cfm?param_status=form.form_status" but it doesn't work either. Tomorrow i'll receive my new cf5.0 reference book, but it's not tomorrow yet (sadly). Any help is greatly appreciated.
regards wouter Wouter
To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other.
im embarrased for asking, but i just can't figure it out. It's beenalmost 2 years since i've done some cf-work.
This is the code of desktop.cfm:
*****start code*****
<cfif NOT IsDefined("form.param_status">
<cfquery name="GetStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
select * from dl_status
<cfelseif form.param_status EQ 'off'>
<cfquery name="PutStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
Update dl_status
set status = 'off'
where status_ID = 1
<cfquery name="GetStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
select * from dl_status
<cfelseif form.param_status EQ 'on'>
<cfquery name="PutStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
Update dl_status
set status = 'on'
where status_ID = 1
<cfquery name="GetStatus" datasource="Home" dbtype="ODBC">
select * from dl_status
<cfoutput query="GetStatus">
<cfif #status# EQ 'on'>
<cfset #value2# = 'off'>
<cfset #value1# = 'on'>
<cfset #value2# = 'on'>
<cfset #value1# = 'off'>
<cfoutput query="GetStatus">
<cfif #status# EQ 'on'>
Download allowed
Download not allowed
<form action="desktop.cfm" method="post">
<select name="form_status">
<option value="<cfoutput>#value1#</cfoutput>">
<option value="<cfoutput>#value2#</cfoutput>">
<input type="Submit" value="Toggle" name="Submit_button">
*****end code*****
It's supposed to be able to switch the status from on to off and reverse. But i guess something goes wrong with passing the variable to the new instance of the page. I've tried stuff like: action="desktop.cfm?param_status=form.form_status" but it doesn't work either. Tomorrow i'll receive my new cf5.0 reference book, but it's not tomorrow yet (sadly). Any help is greatly appreciated.
regards wouter Wouter
To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other.