I am fairly new at web page development. I am having an issue with getting an onsubmit function to fire on my asp form. :-(
Because of the way I designed the form, I am not able to use the validation you can add in MSFrontPage (webbots and generated script). My form adds fields to a table on a form based on the answer to how many drivers/vehicles the user has. So if they pick one vehicle only one column displays, if they pick two then two columns display, etc. The field names are created in runtime (veh1year, veh2year).
If you are interested in helping, I can send you the code in e-mail. If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it.
Because of the way I designed the form, I am not able to use the validation you can add in MSFrontPage (webbots and generated script). My form adds fields to a table on a form based on the answer to how many drivers/vehicles the user has. So if they pick one vehicle only one column displays, if they pick two then two columns display, etc. The field names are created in runtime (veh1year, veh2year).
If you are interested in helping, I can send you the code in e-mail. If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it.