The problem is: I have a modal+popup form which i want to show as a DIALOG form, so I can handle value passed to parent form upon exiting this form.
Normally I open a form to be DIALOG as docmd.openform form_name, ...., windowmode:=acDialog
But how can I achieve this in VBA using object? I goes like this:
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = New Form_frmCustomers
frm.Visible = True
But no there's no property that could make for me that what i want. Even the Popup property can't be changed.
Normally I open a form to be DIALOG as docmd.openform form_name, ...., windowmode:=acDialog
But how can I achieve this in VBA using object? I goes like this:
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = New Form_frmCustomers
frm.Visible = True
But no there's no property that could make for me that what i want. Even the Popup property can't be changed.