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Form.ShowDialog() messing uo location and size

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Mar 23, 2012
Why is it that when I call ShowDialog() on my form, it resizes the form and relocates it to a seemingly random size and location? I don't seem to have any control over it.

I can gain some control over the size of the form if I attempt to reset its location as follows:

DataSourceForm dataSourceForm = new DataSourceForm();
dataSourceForm.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(
this.Location.X + DataSourceForm.OFFSET_X, this.Location.Y + DataSourceForm.OFFSET_Y);

where "this" refers to a parent dialog box (so I'm positioning my form relative to the parent).

But this, ironically, restores the size of my form as seen in the Visual Studios designer but does not set its location. It would be nice if ShowDialog didn't take control of the size or the location so that I can set both in either the designer or in the constructor without worry that they will change later on.
The constructor value will be used as long as you are calling that constructor. The size of your form is independent of the location of the form on your screen.

You are setting the location based on WHATEVER spawned the window. If you are doing something that is causing the form to be shown while in the VS environment (which can happen), then you need to be aware of that during development, but when you run your app it should behave normally.


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