This code:
strFirstName = Trim(Request.Form("First_name")
strQuery = "UPDATE people SET first_name = '" & strFirstName
returns this string... any idea where the comma comes from at the end ...?
UPDATE people SET first_name = 'Nqqqasimxy,
I have determined that it is in the variable itself, but can't figure out why it is there... I don't see it on the form before it is submitted... any help appreciated.
strFirstName = Trim(Request.Form("First_name")
strQuery = "UPDATE people SET first_name = '" & strFirstName
returns this string... any idea where the comma comes from at the end ...?
UPDATE people SET first_name = 'Nqqqasimxy,
I have determined that it is in the variable itself, but can't figure out why it is there... I don't see it on the form before it is submitted... any help appreciated.