I have a report menu that gives users the results in a datasheet view for any “report” that they want to run. This allows users to filter based on many listboxes and choose the fields that they want to show in the summary. The code I use to run the “report summary” is here:
This also relies on this function:
(note – I did not create this, I found it)
So the way that all works is that it is always only pulling the most recent city that an order is in. The way this works is that an order can be placed in 1 city and then be transferred to another. When it is placed or transferred there is an effective date for the date that order is now in that city.
The users had requested initially that they would only ever want to see the most recent city on the report summaries that they would run.
Now the scope has changed. They want to be able to specifically request to see the orders where there has been a transfer from 1 city to another. (i.e. more than 1 location record exists for that order).
So this is my thought. I will put a checkbox on the status location report form. It currently has 4 listboxes –
LstOrderStatus – listing the possible statuses so the user can choose 1 or more to filter on
lstState – listing the possible states so the user can choose 1 or more to filter on
lstCity – listing the possible cities so the user can choose 1 or more to filter on
lstFields – listing of all possible fields to select, group by and display in the summary report.
If I add a checkbox to this form, it would act as ckTransfer. When checked (=1) then I would need to add an IF statement to the above code to provide a different sql statement. This new one would omit the join that ties to the query looking for the max effective date for an order’s city location. Instead all would get pulled.
Here is my hard part. I need to make a summary field that would concatenate all order locations into 1 field.
So if someone checks that box, they would choose the summary fields Order Name, Order Status, and “Transfer Locations”. Transfer locations would be a calculated field that would be (I have no idea how to do this) a concatenation of all the locations and effective dates the order had, in date order. For example, if an order had 3 location records, the “Transfer Locations” field would look like this:
SanFransisco 1/1/10, Chicago 2/15/10, New York City 3/22/10
So here is the short question : How do I do that?
I have another question after I get this accomplished, but 1 step at a time. If I need to explain anything else, please let me know. I appreciate any help!!!
It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()
Dim Mysql As String
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strFields As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim lbo As ListBox
Dim itm
Dim i As Long
strQuery = "qryOrderByLocationFields"
Set lbo = Me.lstFields
If Me.lstFields.ListIndex = -1 Then
For i = 0 To Me.lstFields.ListCount - 1
Me.lstFields.Selected(i) = True
For Each itm In lbo.ItemsSelected
strFields = strFields & "[" & lbo.ItemData(itm) & "], "
strFields = Left(strFields, Len(strFields) - 2)
For Each itm In lbo.ItemsSelected
strFields = strFields & "[" & lbo.ItemData(itm) & "], "
strFields = Left(strFields, Len(strFields) - 2)
End If
strCriteria = "1=1 "
strCriteria = strCriteria & _
BuildIn(Me.LstOrderStatus, "[Order Status]", "'")
strCriteria = strCriteria & _
BuildIn(Me.lstState, "State", "'")
strCriteria = strCriteria & _
BuildIn(Me.lstCity, "City", "'")
Mysql = "SELECT " & strFields & " FROM qryOrderByLocationReport inner JOIN qrydtCurrentCity ON (qrydtCurrentCity.PKOrderID = qryOrderByLocationReport.[Order ID]) AND (qrydtCurrentCity.MaxOfdtEffectiveDate = qryOrderByLocationReport.[City Effective Date]) Where " & strCriteria & " Group By " & strFields
CurrentDb.QueryDefs(strQuery).SQL = Mysql
Me.frmSubStatusCityQry.SourceObject = "QUERY." & strQuery
Me.frmSubStatusCityQry.Visible = True
End Sub
This also relies on this function:
Function BuildIn(lboListBox As ListBox, _
strFieldName As String, strDelim As String) As String
'send in a list box control object
'strFieldName is the name of the field in the report's record source
'strDelim is the delimiter for numbers use "" for text """" and dates "#"
Dim strIn As String
Dim varItem As Variant
If lboListBox.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
strIn = " AND " & strFieldName & " In ("
For Each varItem In lboListBox.ItemsSelected
strIn = strIn & strDelim & lboListBox.ItemData(varItem) & strDelim & ", "
'remove the last ", " and add the ")"
strIn = Left(strIn, Len(strIn) - 2) & ") "
End If
BuildIn = strIn
End Function
So the way that all works is that it is always only pulling the most recent city that an order is in. The way this works is that an order can be placed in 1 city and then be transferred to another. When it is placed or transferred there is an effective date for the date that order is now in that city.
The users had requested initially that they would only ever want to see the most recent city on the report summaries that they would run.
Now the scope has changed. They want to be able to specifically request to see the orders where there has been a transfer from 1 city to another. (i.e. more than 1 location record exists for that order).
So this is my thought. I will put a checkbox on the status location report form. It currently has 4 listboxes –
LstOrderStatus – listing the possible statuses so the user can choose 1 or more to filter on
lstState – listing the possible states so the user can choose 1 or more to filter on
lstCity – listing the possible cities so the user can choose 1 or more to filter on
lstFields – listing of all possible fields to select, group by and display in the summary report.
If I add a checkbox to this form, it would act as ckTransfer. When checked (=1) then I would need to add an IF statement to the above code to provide a different sql statement. This new one would omit the join that ties to the query looking for the max effective date for an order’s city location. Instead all would get pulled.
Here is my hard part. I need to make a summary field that would concatenate all order locations into 1 field.
So if someone checks that box, they would choose the summary fields Order Name, Order Status, and “Transfer Locations”. Transfer locations would be a calculated field that would be (I have no idea how to do this) a concatenation of all the locations and effective dates the order had, in date order. For example, if an order had 3 location records, the “Transfer Locations” field would look like this:
SanFransisco 1/1/10, Chicago 2/15/10, New York City 3/22/10
So here is the short question : How do I do that?
I have another question after I get this accomplished, but 1 step at a time. If I need to explain anything else, please let me know. I appreciate any help!!!
It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot