Does anyone know if there are replacement tags for fields in forms tables aside from those based on attributes? I'm particularly interested in the VolumeID field. I need to fill a form field with the workflow ID which equates to the VolumeID in the form table.
WorkflowID is already available as a standard replacement tag
If you do this in your custom title of the workflow
<WorkID /> has been initiated on <InitiatedDate /> you will see that getting replaced
I do not know your situation.If You show a form before the initiation of the workflow then this <WorkID /> has not been generated so you are at a "chicken and egg" situation.
Try posting the workflows discussions rather than this list because there are a lot of "brains" in the OT KB and you also have means of uploading your map /form etc so it will make esay to advise you.
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer and probably certfiable,Livelink ECM Champion 2008
Thanks. I don't need it populated until after the iniation of the workflow so timing will be okay. I have used that tag in workflows but it doesn't seem to work with forms. I'll try the KB. Thanks.
do try the simple example of the webdataform lookup example.It shows you how to retreive the columns in the table kuaf.That methodology can be used to retreive any other valid table including yours in the form.Psuedo code is like this when your form view loads you have to create a routine that calls the webformdatalookup so the user does not have to click any button.Should be easy once you get the preliminaries like setting up the webform database connection etc .
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer and probably certfiable,Livelink ECM Champion 2008
Aah. Would that not require having the Extension Attributes module? I'm trying to avoid using it after the reaction I got after getting pricing for it.
extension attributes is different that allows you to create attributes category and workflow or form an call external tables in databases.What I mentioned is part of standard web forms.You have it already and in the module directory search for a file called <your livelink server>\module\webform_9_7_0\examples\lookupexample.html.An article explains it is in the source code as well.You typically add a form template,use the example as a view and once you understand its working u can use the other tables as well.
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer and probably certfiable,Livelink ECM Champion 2008
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