I have a form which prompts a user for a table name, and for a number of fields. This data is processes displaying a certain amount of fields in a new form based on the number entered by the user. The names of each field increment like:
My problem is, i need to pass all these value to another form. How do i go about captures all this value into another form?
This is my incorrect thought process so far:
$num_fields=$_POST['fields']; // passes number of fields
print $num_fields;
for ($i=0; $num_fields > $i; $i++) {
My problem is, i need to pass all these value to another form. How do i go about captures all this value into another form?
This is my incorrect thought process so far:
$num_fields=$_POST['fields']; // passes number of fields
print $num_fields;
for ($i=0; $num_fields > $i; $i++) {