I'm a very recent Fireworks/DreamWeaver user, and I thought I had done my homework before plunging into action, perhaps I was wrong.
The problem is that I’ve lost countless hours designing an entire webpage on fireworks and I thought I could just export it to DreamWeaver to make HTML adjustments, but with forms it's not that simple.
I've created images for the form’s fields and I’ve spent a lot of time giving them a nice look with the effects provided by Fireworks. But now I’ve tried to export them to DreamWeaver and I realize that I can’t just place the form’s fields were I had the slices, because the table that the program automatically generates becomes deformed due to the size. I tried resizing the form’s field but it stays with an unnatural look because it has to be a lot smaller than the table cell and I can’t remove the form’s field’s border.
My question is if there is any way to use my Fireworks design applied to forms?
Help is much appreciated.
I'm a very recent Fireworks/DreamWeaver user, and I thought I had done my homework before plunging into action, perhaps I was wrong.
The problem is that I’ve lost countless hours designing an entire webpage on fireworks and I thought I could just export it to DreamWeaver to make HTML adjustments, but with forms it's not that simple.
I've created images for the form’s fields and I’ve spent a lot of time giving them a nice look with the effects provided by Fireworks. But now I’ve tried to export them to DreamWeaver and I realize that I can’t just place the form’s fields were I had the slices, because the table that the program automatically generates becomes deformed due to the size. I tried resizing the form’s field but it stays with an unnatural look because it has to be a lot smaller than the table cell and I can’t remove the form’s field’s border.
My question is if there is any way to use my Fireworks design applied to forms?
Help is much appreciated.