I have an entry form which gives the details of the program it is about to run. On the form I have one button "Press to Continue". On mouse click or any key, it releases (return)when I run the form by itself. However, when I call the form from my "main" program, it displays the form, but is not held there in the form and my program carries on. If I do a read cycle after the form has been created, it leaves the command button on the form active, which will release when any key or mouse is selected. I have to then do "release windows" to release the form. It actually does what it is suppose to do, but I should be able to have the form do it. What am I doing incorrectly? How do I get the program to wait in the command window. I have tried 'read cycle' but still it does not work properly.
Help would be appreciated.
Help would be appreciated.