I can't say for sure as I've never tried it, but you might possibly need to use ActiveX to do this - which restricts you to IE only. Probably instantiating some sort of Outlook Application control and using that. You'd need to use JavaScript (or VBSript) for this soft of thing - if it is even possible.
if you are talking about a Public Folder on Exchange. Then you can give the folder an email address and set it to send notifications to a group or individual.
possibly the Exchange forums may be more help.
5.5 forum10
2000 forum858
2003 forum955
Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
We don't necessarily want to send out email notifications to anyone, we just want form submits to go to a public folder. It isn't mandatory that the folder not be assigned an email address. The IS Manager intimated that submitting to a public folder was possible, and I wanted to check into it before I asked her to just set it up as an email address. Which, at this point sounds like the easiest solution.
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