The framework I use makes nested divs unavoidable and I have found that in IE7 putting a form inside a nested div creates an additional break
For example
I tried wrapping the input in a <p> but this did not help. If you wrap the form in a fieldset then you get a break after the div
Any ideas on how to solve this troublesome problem
What I want is a box that wraps snugly around the text '123'
For example
<div style="border:#000000 1px solid;">
<form name="1" action="1.cfm" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form>
I tried wrapping the input in a <p> but this did not help. If you wrap the form in a fieldset then you get a break after the div
Any ideas on how to solve this troublesome problem
What I want is a box that wraps snugly around the text '123'