I only get a chance to work with Access about once a year when I'm asked to develop a quick tool in Access. Obviously I don't have much of a chance to develop my Access skills so I need help with this latest Access tool.
I need an Access form for engineers to enter hours by month for the next 12 months. Since engineers work on different projects they need to enter monthly hours for each of their projects. The form would look like a simple Excel (flat file) format where there is a column for each month and a row for each project. I'm finding this not so easy with a relational database. I have developed a table for engineers "tblEngineer" (name, id, title, etc.), a table for projects "tblProjects" (project number, dates, etc.), and a table "tblMonthlyHrsWork" that handles the many-to-many relationship for the engineers and projects (engineers can work on many projects and projects have many engineers). To make it easy for engineers to enter or change their hours, I need to develop a form that looks like a crosstab query or pivottable query that shows the hours by month in columns, and project number by rows just like a spreadsheet. Unfortunately, the values in a crosstab or pivottable query cannot be edited.
I have considered other ways to structure the tables or considered using VB to query and edit data from within a form but nothing comes to mind within my skill level. Could someone provide some advice or point me to an article/forum that may help.
I need an Access form for engineers to enter hours by month for the next 12 months. Since engineers work on different projects they need to enter monthly hours for each of their projects. The form would look like a simple Excel (flat file) format where there is a column for each month and a row for each project. I'm finding this not so easy with a relational database. I have developed a table for engineers "tblEngineer" (name, id, title, etc.), a table for projects "tblProjects" (project number, dates, etc.), and a table "tblMonthlyHrsWork" that handles the many-to-many relationship for the engineers and projects (engineers can work on many projects and projects have many engineers). To make it easy for engineers to enter or change their hours, I need to develop a form that looks like a crosstab query or pivottable query that shows the hours by month in columns, and project number by rows just like a spreadsheet. Unfortunately, the values in a crosstab or pivottable query cannot be edited.
I have considered other ways to structure the tables or considered using VB to query and edit data from within a form but nothing comes to mind within my skill level. Could someone provide some advice or point me to an article/forum that may help.