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form creation submit button

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Nov 20, 2008
hi..i am trying to create a form having text field,checkboxes,radio buttons and submit reset buttons.
I need to search my database for the given word when the submit button is clicked.
I was able to create the form but i dont know how to pass the word the user entered in order to check the database.Nothing happens when submit is pressed.Here is the db_search.cgi code i used..


use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI;
use DBI;
my $cgi=new CGI;
print $cgi->header('text/html'),$cgi->start_html(-title=>'students');
print $cgi->center("GENOMES");
print $cgi->p("enter the protein accession number");
print $cgi->textfield($name='querry');
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->p("select name");
print $cgi->popup_menu($name='popup',$values=['a','b','c','d'],$default='a');
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->p("enter strand");
print $cgi->radio_group($name='radio',$label=['-1','1','0']);
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->p("select fields to be retrieved");
print $cgi->checkbox($name='accesion number',$value='acc no');
print $cgi->checkbox($name='proteins in the sequence',$value='pacc nos');
print $cgi->checkbox($name='sequence length',$value='seq length');
print $cgi->checkbox($name='sequence',$value='seq');
print $cgi->checkbox($name='function',$value='fnc');
print $cgi->checkbox($name='aliases',$value='aliases');
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->submit($name='search',$value='submit');
print $cgi->reset();
On the top use the strict and warning pragmas.

use strict;
use warnings;

Why are you defining form directives as vars? i.e $action, $method, $name?

Take a look at the CGI module and you'll see there are quite a few errors that need to be fixed.
i tried to define the form directives normally like name='querry'
and i got this error message:
Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at db_search.cgi line 11, near "'querry')"
So i defined it as a var and got the output right.
But i dint actually try to use the name later on in my program..Is there some other way in which i can define them normally?
So we can assume you are defining your variables like $name and $action, and $method, and etc, but you didn't show that in the code you posted?

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
hii..i actually modified the code this way..


use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI;
use DBI;
my $cgi=new CGI;
print $cgi->header('text/html'),$cgi->start_html(-title=>'students');
print $cgi->center("GENOMES");
print $cgi->p("enter the protein accession number");
print $cgi->textfield(-name=>'querry');
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->p("select name");
my $dbh=DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:hostname=rohan.sdsu.edu:database=masc0100','masc0100','Xt2mVeq');
$exc=$dbh->prepare("select distinct name from master");
$exc->execute()||die $dbh->errstr;
print $cgi->popup_menu(-name=>'popup',-values=>\@arr);
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->p("enter strand");
print $cgi->radio_group(-name=>'radio',-values=>['-1','1','0']);
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->p("select fields to be retrieved");
print $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'accesion number',-value=>'acc no');
print $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'proteins in the sequence',-value=>'pacc nos');
print $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'sequence length',-value=>'seq length');
print $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'sequence',-value=>'seq');
print $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'function',-value=>'fnc');
print $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'aliases',-value=>'aliases');
print $cgi->p();
print $cgi->br();
print $cgi->submit(-name=>'search',-value=>'submit');
print $cgi->reset();

now the ouptut of this code gives a pop up menu with only one entry..it is only taking the first distinct name from the table 'master'..
i need to get all the distinct names from the table..
i dont know where it went wrong..i think its the part where i copied the results of the query into another array...please help me out with this..
hii...thanx guyzz...
got it!!!

i replaced




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