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Forcing a URL into the Address or Location field

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Jan 14, 2001

I have a shopping cart and a PERL/CGI script being accessed by a JavaScript call to a SSL perl (.pl) script.

For example: write(&quot;<form name='cart' method='post' action='
It works! Almost.

I know that the form fields are being processed by an SSL script on a UNIX secured server, but the savvy visitor (customer) doesn't because the locking icon in both IE and NN doesn't, well, lock (work). The reason is the SSL URL is not being loaded into the Address or Location field of the appropriate browser. A popup window with the SSL URL will work, but this creates confusion with customers that need to click yet another link to close the popup window, only to find that the original checkout form is still there, hiding beneath the popup.

The question:

How do I force the SSL URL to load into the browser's (IE & NN) 'and/or/both' Address and Location field?

Ummm? I've tried focus, reload, link, linkURL, callingURL... ad_in_finitum. The response often is 'APACHE ERROR... Access by post, get 'Not Allowed on this server by the method...'.

A virtual rose or beer (your choice) to the person that helps me out.

Thanks in advance...

I think the reason it is &quot;unlocked&quot; is because the form data being sent is not secured in anyway. The form data is being sent from port 80(http) to a port 443(https) it is not being filled and sent and processed all on a port 443. for it all to be completely secure the html pages should be located on your https. You could use the javascript to relocate the browser to your secure pages by using document.location.href = &quot;https/ssl.xxx.com/whatevernamed.stuff&quot;

This is only a guess at what your code/browser/PERL is doing. Is this helpful? Klae

You're only as good as your last answer!
Greetings Klae:

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, your suggestion is not quite the correct code. I found that the reason that the code that I am using will not lock the icons is because the cart cookie is not being passed to the secure CGI script.

Your answer was close though. The trick is to pass the cookie:

open(&quot; cart_details...);

Thank you for your answer.

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