I've got a KSH script that overwrites a couple existing files. When I run it manually, I receive the question "are you sure you want to overwrite file?"
mv $DATA_DIR/file_A.dat $DATA_DIR/file_A.$day
When I set this job in cron, it changes the filename to "file_A." because the filename with today's day abbreviation already exists and it won't overwrite it. I've got chmod = 775, but what command can I set to force the overwrite and what's the syntax?
mv $DATA_DIR/file_A.dat $DATA_DIR/file_A.$day
When I set this job in cron, it changes the filename to "file_A." because the filename with today's day abbreviation already exists and it won't overwrite it. I've got chmod = 775, but what command can I set to force the overwrite and what's the syntax?