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Force all XP users to use the Default User profile

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Technical User
Jan 10, 2001
I would like to force all users to use the Default User profile. I have copied the "look" that I would like all users to see at login and copied it to the Default User folder. When a user logs in he/she gets the preconfigured desktop... When the user logs out his/her profile is saved with any changes they may have made in their session. How can I stop that and make all users use the Default always?

You have a few options. First, you can turn on the Group Policy "Don't Save Settings At Exit". This is the easiest, and probably the least likely to cause headaches.

You could write a logoff script or shutdown script that deletes all the local profiles except "Default User" "All Users" and "Administrator"...
Logoff.bat: DEL /S /Q %USERPROFILE%

Whatever you do, don't try to limit the users to read-only permissions of their profile folder. Too much will break and too many annoying errors will pop up.
If you want them to use a default profile why not auto log them in?

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1
- Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server
- Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.51, 4.0
- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.51, 4.0
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
- Microsoft Windows XP

Windows NT allows you to automate the logon process by storing your
password and other pertinent information in the Registry database.

NOTE: This feature allows other users to start your computer and use
the account you establish to automatically logon. Also, timing
conflicts can occur. For example: If you have several network
transports loaded, enabling automatic logon may make Windows NT
attempt to connect to network resources before the network transports
are completely loaded.

Use the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) to add your logon information, as

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious,
system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall Windows NT to
correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting
from the use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your
own risk.

1. Start REGEDT32.EXE and locate the following Registry subkey:


2. Establish your domain name, account name, and password, using the
values you
would normally type when logging on. You should assign the following

DefaultDomainName DefaultUserName DefaultPassword

NOTE: The DefaultPassword value may not exist. If it doesn't, from
the Edit
menu, choose Add Value. In the Value Name field, type:
(without the quotation marks). Select REG_SZ for the Data Type. In the
field, type your password. Save your changes.

Also, if no DefaultPassword string is specified, Windows NT
changes the value of the AutoAdminLogon key from 1 (true) to 0
(false), thus
disabling the AutoAdminLogon feature.

3. From the Edit menu, choose Add Value. Enter AutoAdminLogon in the
Value Name
field. Select REG_SZ for the Data Type. Enter 1 in the String field.
your changes.

4. Exit REGEDT32.

5. Exit Windows NT and turn off your computer.

6. Restart your computer and Windows NT. You should be able to logon

NOTE: To bypass the AutoAdminLogon process, and to logon on as a
user, hold down the SHIFT key after a logoff or after a Windows NT

Additional query words: regedit auto login autologon automated

Keywords : kbusage ntsecurity NTSrvWkst
Version : :; WINDOWS:2000; winnt:3.51,4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbinfo
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000. ====================================
I love people. They taste just like

If this is a just a local logon, then customising the default user profile will give all new users a copy of that profile the first time they logon - but they will be able to change their version of it after that.

If you want the profile to remain unchanged, a couple of options occur to me.

1. When you create a new user, always log on the first time yourself - so their profile is created. Then log on as Administrator and make their profile mandatory (rename their ntuser.dat file as ntuser.man).

2. Create a user called for example, default & log that on to create profile. Log off and rename its ntuser.dat to make it mandatory. Then, every time after you create a new user, specify the profile folder (\Documents and Settings\default) from default as their profile path (run lusrmgr.msc - can use to create and amend users - then user properties, profile tab. All user will now be using same profiles.

Note. Both these methods will not allow anything to be saved in My Documents folder - so you might want to specify another location for users to store their own documents. You could supply something in the Home Folder on the profiles tab.
I need to setup basically the same thing. I was going to use mandatory profiles. Don't know if that would be better or not. I have 25 PC's with XP to setup in 2 locations. My main question is, when a new program is to be used by all the users on that PC how do I modify the profile to add that new program?
To make sure that users get the same profile everytime, you could use a program such as Deep Freeze ( No matter what a user puts on the computer, when they logoff and log back in, they get the default profile. It also allows you to restrict them in other ways.
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