Karl Blessing
I found an article over at VB-Square I have hardly used DAO, and I prefer ADO, and I got a FAQ on ADO, but I notice a lot of you guys are still using DAO, with or without problems, so heres an article to go from DAO to ADO<br><br><A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in , or have messed with : VC++, Borland C++ Builder, VJ++6(starting),VB-Dos, VB1 thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, Borland C++ 3(DOS), Borland C++ 4.5, HTML,Visual InterDev 6, ASP(WebProgramming), QBasic(least i didnt start with COBOL)