Hi all, I have kind of a newbie question. I am using the PCOMM application for my vb scripts and searching how to do this has left me with a bit of a headache.
Basically I want to set an array, have it loop through certain rows and columns while using gettext to grab the data from each row and column. I then want to try and match all of those gettext values with another spot on the screen and if any of them match up then I would create a msgbox indicating "match found for ..." I know a For Next loop is involved with this but its a bit hard for me to grasp so far.
I was wondering if this was possible and if anybody had a bit of sample code with some description on it? I was confused by most examples I found that were using excel since there seemed to be some discrepancies. If anybody has any tips for how I can do something like this I will be in your debt! Thanks.
Basically I want to set an array, have it loop through certain rows and columns while using gettext to grab the data from each row and column. I then want to try and match all of those gettext values with another spot on the screen and if any of them match up then I would create a msgbox indicating "match found for ..." I know a For Next loop is involved with this but its a bit hard for me to grasp so far.
I was wondering if this was possible and if anybody had a bit of sample code with some description on it? I was confused by most examples I found that were using excel since there seemed to be some discrepancies. If anybody has any tips for how I can do something like this I will be in your debt! Thanks.