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For Loop, While Loop to Manipulate Data 1

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Aug 22, 2003
My table has the field (PID varchar 17) either 13 or 17 character records. I would like to use the logic below to construct a new table with two fields (CODE varchar 13) and (CODEKEY varchar 17)

IF len(PID) = 13 Then insert into iTable
IF len(PID) = 17 Then
1. insert the first 9 characters [iFisrt9]
2. subtract the next 4 characters [iNext4] from the last 4 characters [iLastt4] to get a iCount
3. increment [iFirst9]+[[iNext4] by 1 based of the iCount.
4. insert into same iTable

Example: The record in source table

Resulting record in new table is
0602920240025 06029202400250029
0602920240026 06029202400250029
0602920240027 06029202400250029
0602920240028 06029202400250029
0602920240029 06029202400250029

Thanks much for any code to start with
Firstly, you won't need a "loop"; using an insert statement based on a select statement will be fine.

Secondly, have a look at the CASE expression which will do what you need. Try it out yourself and post back if you run into any issues using it.


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Hello Denis,
Because I get most of my answers from other peoples questions,
I like "point and hint" as they make me think. Even though I try to understand provided code, some times I have no idea what is trying to be done.

Happy New Year to those that are on the Gregorian Calendar, for those not on it have a good day. I am just glad the days have started getting longer here.

Thanks ca8msm,

I'm trying to construct the select statement first. Here is what I have so far:

select CODE =
when len(PID) = 17 then left(PID,9) substring(PID,10,4)
else PID
from mySourceTable

My question is how do I proceed further with the code to be able to increment by and insert. Please note I'm dealing with varchar data type. Meaning I can not do this: substring(PID,10,4) - right(PID,4) to get my iCount. Please refer to my first post for what I'm trying to accomplish. Thanks for the help.
Please note I'm dealing with varchar data type. Meaning I can not do this: substring(PID,10,4) - right(PID,4) to get my iCount
Can't you just cast the 4 characters to an integer and then add them together?


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select cast(substring(PID,10,4)-right(PID,4) as int)
returns an invalid operator for data type error. I'm going to try SQLDenis suggestion shortly. Thanks for the help.
>> select cast(substring(PID,10,4)-right(PID,4) as int)

that is of course incorrect

you have to cast both values and also switch the order

declare @v varchar(24)
select @v ='06029202400250029'

select cast(right(@v,4) as int) - cast(substring(@v,10,4) as int)

Denis The SQL Menace
SQL Server Code,Tips and Tricks, Performance Tuning
SQLBlog.com, Google Interview Questions
What about the intervening numbers that eselhassan asked for
(26, 27, 28) ? Would you not need a loop for these?
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