I have an html page (1.htm). Inside a swf (1.swf); 1.swf is a game and i need the focus on it when it opens the 1.htm window. To get the focus i use this js:
<script language="JavaScript">
function fuoco(){
var IE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft"
!= -1;
var filmato = IE ? window.filmato : window.document.filmato;
In the body tag
nLoad="fuoco()" and in the object tag the right parameters (Id, name ecc..)
When i click a buttom in 1.swf, a new window openes (2.htm).
To overlap 1.htm with the new one (2.htm) i put in the 2.htm body tag: onLoad="self.focus()".
Now the problem is that, if I want to see the old one page (1.htm) that now is under the 2.htm, and i press its window-bar, I lost the focus on the 1.swf...
How can I get a focus that pass trought one page to another?
<script language="JavaScript">
function fuoco(){
var IE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft"
var filmato = IE ? window.filmato : window.document.filmato;
In the body tag
When i click a buttom in 1.swf, a new window openes (2.htm).
To overlap 1.htm with the new one (2.htm) i put in the 2.htm body tag: onLoad="self.focus()".
Now the problem is that, if I want to see the old one page (1.htm) that now is under the 2.htm, and i press its window-bar, I lost the focus on the 1.swf...
How can I get a focus that pass trought one page to another?