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For all the web developers/designers...a question for you

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Jul 13, 2001
Hi all,

I have a question pretaining to what tools you use and why?

I use notepad and IE 5.5...that's all I use, but Ive been working with html since before it had all the fancy programs...sometimes I'll use Frontpage tho, because tables get really messy in code...also, I use flash...flash is sweet...vector based graphics, so you can scale and not loose any image quality, you can produce animations...etc...

a Typical webpage, graphics and all, for the whole thing, might be, what?...500k?...(Buttons, etc)...I could create the same thing in less space using flash... ----------------------------------------
The Learning process is just a way to get rid of all the stupids in your head.

Now where's that cute little kitten? :-X
i use Homesite to do my coding and Photoshop/Imageready to handle most of my graphics. I have the usual culprits for browser compatability checking and thats it.

I DONT like WYSIWYG editors. if im going towrite a web page I am going to write it not some app which screws with the code (especially frontpage) i often have to fit pagess other people have made in frontpage into a site for a client and find things like nested font tags in the source code. no one should even be using font tags anymore let alone nesting them!!

notepad is also essential for a quick view of some source but when dealing with big docs a color coded editor like homesite (First Page 2000 is a similar app which is free and available for download) can be of great help when debugging
for my html i prefer to use dreamweaver ultradev 4, cos it has all the features i want, it's easy to use and it even includes o'reilly reference sections for html, javascript and css.

however, at work i am forced to use silverstream, which is primarily a java apps server and java api with an html editor stuck on the back of it at the last minute. it's really unreliable, the server tends to crash randomly and the html editor makes up the html as it goes along (and sometimes even generates badly formed html). if anyone ever suggests you use it for anything other than using the box as a door stop - slap them immediately.

for graphics i use fireworks as (in my opinion) it's absolutely ideal for creating web graphics. although, i don't have a great deal of experience with photoshop.

also, i'm slowly getting into flash, but my company hardly ever uses it and when they do they prefer to pay exhorbitant amounts of money for external companies to do it, without even thinking of asking me...

...but i'm not bitter!
I use a great editor called EditPlus ( It's language away, has builtin clipboards, builtin FTP and lots of other features. I really like it. My main browser is IE 5.5. I use NS 4.7 only when I have to check how something looks in the other browser (usually not nearly as good). I use perl for server-side programming. My boss uses DreamWeaver for web page design. We both use Win98 for development, but our sites are hosted on Unix. Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
I sometimes use UltraEdit32 (I can create any kind of Web page in any kind of language linke ASP, HTML, VBScript, JScript, etc, all I have to do is download the plugin of the language and it is a very light program), most of the time I use Visual Interdev, it has more resources to ASP programming, and also support JScript. And when i can't use either of them I use Notepad or EditPad.
I use the code view of many programs to handwrite my own programming like notepad.
Colored elements and tags are a great help
Dreamweaver is the best wysiwyg editor by far, it has a great properties dialog and writes tables and layers very well and the extensions are great too.
I love it when programs help me indent my code properly, like MS Visual Interdev, which also has this cool "intelisense" for objects and methods.
The comments rubychyld made about colored elements and tags, and about auto indenting, are what I meant about EditPlus being "language aware". It comes with quite a few language mods and there are others you can download from the web site, or you can create your own. They're easy to customize. It also comes with cliptext modules for html, css and ascii codes, and you can create your own ones of those are easy to customize too. There's also a html toolbar, project management, macro recording, built-in browsing to view your html pages, and lots of other stuff. It's very easy to use, very customizable, very flexible and powerful, and can even make itself the default editor for "view source" and "edit" in IE (a feature I LOVE) as well as various other extensions. It's very inexpensive shareware that is not crippled in any way in the trial version.

And NO, I don't get a kickback or anything for promoting it. :) I just think good software deserves the promotion.
Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
I mainly use notepad as it's flexible. Occasionally, I use Frontpage as it's good for typing article easy to generate simple dynamic effect on article.
I prefer CSS as it gives developer more control on elements of page and how they look like on different browsers. IE5.5 is my main browser and NS4.75 is used for testing result.
I like JavaScript as it's on client-side, in other words, it's much quicker.
I don't like putting too many images on page this day as they're just slowing down the page and only look good for user at the first visit but annoys visitors going forward.
I tried photoshop and don't like it at all.
For server-side scripting, I use Perl and ASP. Perl is cross platform and the outcome is more predictable. Sometimes I don't know understand the outcome of certain ASP pages but Microsoft will have a solution or get around code for you. As long as you grasp it. It's alright.

I use TextPad, , simply because its language-awareness also includes PHP, which I use a lot of.

For graphics, I use Fireworks and Paint Shop Pro

Got into flash, then dropped it. Not my style, really. Plus Flash5 is a nightmare to use. Dean Owen

I use Gaspy as my page editor, notepad to get clips of code or text without formatting, Photoshop and MS' Image Composer for graphics (though I usually have a graphic artist do it for me) and cliptray to keep often used code.

I work on W2K and COL2.2 and test in IE5, IE5.5, NS4.7 and ... Lynx (yes I do!) under either W2K, W98, COL2.2 or RH7. I will soon be able to test on a Mac.

For programming, depending on the project, I either use VBScript, Perl or php.

i use DW3's <>HTML source for page layout (but not usin their default scripts) & Photoshop/Imageready for graphics.. regards, vic
I use IE 5.5, NN6.1, NotePad and Adobe PhotoShop 6. Also,
Occasionally, I also use the Opera 5.12 (just out!) for
when I'm going to use a lot of CSS because Opera is the most CSS compliant browser. Everyone has a right to my opinion.
E-mail me at cwcon@programmer.net
I use Homesite to create the pages and ultraedit for small editing jobs. I use straight HTML for the most part. I avoid CSS style sheets and Flash like the plague. I am a strong believer in writing cross-browser compatible code.

For graphics I use the Corel 10 graphics suite.

Fior scripting -- server-side I use Perl, and am slowly moving into PHP. Client-side I use javascript.

BTW, somebody above said their pages were 500k in size? You're kidding, right? Waaaay too big. Respect your users.
IE 5.5+ mostly, Microsoft Visual InterDev, and PS6/PSP7/Bryce4

I am an Active Server Page developer, and it works best to write in Visual Interdev, I dont use the WYSIWYG designer of Visual Interdev, just the sourceview.

Graphic wise, I like to use Paint Shop Pro 7, Photoshop 6, and Bryce 4. Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}
I use Notepad and IE. And... Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro. And... occasionally, the CSS W3C spec. And... I try not to worry as much as possible concerning how it looks in NS4 unless it's really important that it looks good (ie, my client uses NS4 and won't understand why it is bad).<br><br>Liam Morley<br><A HREF="mailto:"></A><br>&quot;light the deep, and bring silence to the world.<br>light the world, and bring depth to the silence.&quot;
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