I make lots of PDF/X-1a files directly from InDesign with no problems. However I am having a problem with one file. The pre-press guy at the printing company said the fonts are not embedded. I am doing nothing different from what I usually do. He looked at other of my files and the fonts are there. The only thing I can see that might be the problem is this: When I hit "Export PDF" from inside InDesign, and then click on the "Advanced" tab, there is a "Font" box to the right. Inside that box it says: "Only fonts with appropriate permission bits will be embedded." Could it be that all my other fonts have "appropriate permission bits" and that's why they embdded okay, but these fonts don't? I'm using various weights of Delta Jaeger. All of my fonts were legally bought. How can I solve this problem?
Also, how can I look at a PDF file and see if the fonts are in fact embedded?
Also, how can I look at a PDF file and see if the fonts are in fact embedded?