I have Outlook 2003 and the full Office suite of products so I use Word 2003 as my email editor. I have three major issues that keep popping up and I cannot figure them out (other then slapping myself on the forehead and screaming MICROSOFT!!!... hehehe)
1 - When I receive an email from someone in HTML format and the text is all in Arial 10 font. The reply they typed to me is at the top and the text from the previous message is below that. I do a REPLY and then the header pops up above their text. I delete the header info and everything's fine. Then I highlight and delete the message text below their text so I don't have this massive string of text. When I do this their text converts to Times New Roman font and size 12. My text is set in Outlook for replying and forwarding to Arial and plain text is set to Courier. My Normal.dot for Word is set to Arial/10 font so I don't understand where the Times New Roman 12 is coming from?????
2 - Often when I reply to a message and I start typing, when I hit -Enter- it looks like it's double-spaced even though nothing is set to double space. I can hold the Shift key and hit Enter and single space it but then often when they receive it, there is no line break at all where I did that. I can convert the message to plain text, then back to HTML (and change the font back to what I wanted) and the line break works fine. Any clue as to where this double-space stuff is coming from????
3 - Sometimes I get messages where the replied to text have a vertical bar down the left side of the quoted text. When I reply and delete this text, even though there was text at the top withOUT the vertical bar, the bar shows up on the top line and the only way I have found to get rid of it is to convert the message to plain text and then back to HTML. Can't select the line to delete it or find any setting that controls it.
~ Phlyx ~
1 - When I receive an email from someone in HTML format and the text is all in Arial 10 font. The reply they typed to me is at the top and the text from the previous message is below that. I do a REPLY and then the header pops up above their text. I delete the header info and everything's fine. Then I highlight and delete the message text below their text so I don't have this massive string of text. When I do this their text converts to Times New Roman font and size 12. My text is set in Outlook for replying and forwarding to Arial and plain text is set to Courier. My Normal.dot for Word is set to Arial/10 font so I don't understand where the Times New Roman 12 is coming from?????
2 - Often when I reply to a message and I start typing, when I hit -Enter- it looks like it's double-spaced even though nothing is set to double space. I can hold the Shift key and hit Enter and single space it but then often when they receive it, there is no line break at all where I did that. I can convert the message to plain text, then back to HTML (and change the font back to what I wanted) and the line break works fine. Any clue as to where this double-space stuff is coming from????
3 - Sometimes I get messages where the replied to text have a vertical bar down the left side of the quoted text. When I reply and delete this text, even though there was text at the top withOUT the vertical bar, the bar shows up on the top line and the only way I have found to get rid of it is to convert the message to plain text and then back to HTML. Can't select the line to delete it or find any setting that controls it.