I have a style defined as
Which is then then invoked by
The string "Your Options" should appear in allcaps and whith foreground. I get normal font on black. I use similar SS and it works fine but I cannot get this one to work.
I have looked at these 5 lines of code for days and cannot find the problem. I have compared with and even copied over other SS that does same (with bigger pitch).
I believe that I have had my had in the sand for too long now and I will never spot it regardless of how simple the answer might be. Your help will be truly appreciated.
Jose Lerebours
KNOWLEDGE: Something you can give away endlessly and gain more of it in the process! - Jose Lerebours
I have a style defined as
font-size: 9pt;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, sams-serif;
color: FFFFFF;
font-style: small-caps;
font-weight: bold;
color : #000000;
font-size : 10pt;
font-family : Comic Sans MS;
Which is then then invoked by
<body class="body" bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="10" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0">
<table width="100%" height="0" border="0">
<p><img src="smallogo.gif"</p>
<table bgcolor="#CCCCCC" border="0" width="92%">
<td height="18" class="navtitle" bgcolor="#000066" align="center" valign="middle">
Your Options
The string "Your Options" should appear in allcaps and whith foreground. I get normal font on black. I use similar SS and it works fine but I cannot get this one to work.
I have looked at these 5 lines of code for days and cannot find the problem. I have compared with and even copied over other SS that does same (with bigger pitch).
I believe that I have had my had in the sand for too long now and I will never spot it regardless of how simple the answer might be. Your help will be truly appreciated.
Jose Lerebours
KNOWLEDGE: Something you can give away endlessly and gain more of it in the process! - Jose Lerebours