I need to see if there is a way for the system to look at the files in a folder and recalculate its true size. Once the folder grows, it never seems to shrink back down even though files are deleted from the folder.
If I recall (and it's a big if), the directory size grows due to the inodes which are associated with it, so deleting files doesn't have any effect. Possibly the only way to return it to 'normal' is to delete it and recreate it, though whether you'd want to do this is debateable. Someone else might well have a more definitive answer. Cheers.
Here's a patch that would free up inodes if you do not have it installed yet. Please verify by running swlist if this patch is already installed. The dependency for this patch is most probably installed already since PHKL_18543 is a critical patch. But please verify anyway.
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