Everything is working fine with the code I am just trying to add some bits to it.
I want the user to be focused on the answer they want rater than being taken to the top of the page.
this is the code that I am using
I've broken it again !!
I want the user to be focused on the answer they want rater than being taken to the top of the page.
this is the code that I am using
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left" valign="top">
strSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM TechQuestion WHERE QCatID = 1"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.activeconnection = objDBConn
rs.Open strSQLQuery
while not rs.eof
strValue1 = rs("QuestionText")
strValue2 = rs("answertext")
strValue3 = rs("furtherinfo")
response.write "<TR><TD valign='top' class='page_text' width=300 bgcolor=#ffffff><img src=/Common/images/faq/q.gif align=left> <A href='list3.asp?techID=" & RS("TechQuestionID") & "'>" & strValue1 & "</A></TD><TD width='50'> </TD>"
if trim(request("techID")) = trim(rs("techquestionid")) then
response.write "<TD valign='top' class='page_text'><img src=/Common/images/faq/a.gif align=left>" & strValue2
if len (trim(rs("furtherinfo"))) > 0 then
response.write "<BR><A target='_new' href='" & trim(strValue3) & "'><FONT color='#ff0000'>Click here for more info</font></A></TD>"
response.write "</TD>"
end if
end if
response.write "</TR>"
I've broken it again !!