NN6 problem only:
I have links in a page and when choosing one fot the first time, it opens
a new window and focusing it, as I requested.
But When I try to open another one, it opens the site in the same new window,
but most of the time, the focus stays on the opener.
It seems as the "wind.focus" does not work. possible?
No problem in IE or NN previous to the 6th version.
if (NS)
{ wind=window.open(url,"win",'screenx=0px,screeny=0px,width=400,height=400,resizable,menubar,titlebar,toolbar,scrollbars,location');
else if (IE)
{wind=window.open(url,"win",'left=0px,top=0px, width=400 ,height=400,resizable,menubar,titlebar,toolbar,scrollbars,location');
I have links in a page and when choosing one fot the first time, it opens
a new window and focusing it, as I requested.
But When I try to open another one, it opens the site in the same new window,
but most of the time, the focus stays on the opener.
It seems as the "wind.focus" does not work. possible?
No problem in IE or NN previous to the 6th version.
if (NS)
{ wind=window.open(url,"win",'screenx=0px,screeny=0px,width=400,height=400,resizable,menubar,titlebar,toolbar,scrollbars,location');
else if (IE)
{wind=window.open(url,"win",'left=0px,top=0px, width=400 ,height=400,resizable,menubar,titlebar,toolbar,scrollbars,location');