This question may point out that I lack some formal understanding of how FM works, but I'll ask anyway.
While building a report with a prompt page, I noticed that when running the report the prompt was taking a long time to load. This actually made sense because the query item the prompt was pulling from is a large table that takes FM a minute to get together. So I figured I could do two things. One, remove that query item from the query subject and place it into its own query subject. That would be simple. My other thought was to create a new query subject, and to store all of my prompt parameters in it. Is this second way possible if you're working with a relational database system.
While building a report with a prompt page, I noticed that when running the report the prompt was taking a long time to load. This actually made sense because the query item the prompt was pulling from is a large table that takes FM a minute to get together. So I figured I could do two things. One, remove that query item from the query subject and place it into its own query subject. That would be simple. My other thought was to create a new query subject, and to store all of my prompt parameters in it. Is this second way possible if you're working with a relational database system.