I want copy some files from my SCO to Floppy but that files are to big and the floppy isn't enough,...
I made a Script to copy that files to floppy but I don't now change the script for check if the disk are full or not or put another floppy disk if is necessary,...
for F in LOG*.csv
doscp $F a:$F.csv
echo Ficheiros copiados com sucesso, Obrigado.
P.S. Some files are more the 8 characters, the unix change to 4 characters, that is now good...How I rename de files before copy to Floppy?? remember that files need array,... like LOG.FEB25-1 , LOG.FEB26-1,...ect.
I want copy some files from my SCO to Floppy but that files are to big and the floppy isn't enough,...
I made a Script to copy that files to floppy but I don't now change the script for check if the disk are full or not or put another floppy disk if is necessary,...
for F in LOG*.csv
doscp $F a:$F.csv
echo Ficheiros copiados com sucesso, Obrigado.
P.S. Some files are more the 8 characters, the unix change to 4 characters, that is now good...How I rename de files before copy to Floppy?? remember that files need array,... like LOG.FEB25-1 , LOG.FEB26-1,...ect.