I have a signed input field, PIC 9(12)V9(6).
I have no problem converting this to a leading and trailing zero suppressed field for example -
Input - 000000000123.450000 Output 123.45
However, I do have a problem when it's signed. For instance, if I define the output as PIC Z(11)9.9(6)-,
the result is 123.450000-, NOT the result I would like - 123.45-, (or input = -12.4567 output = 12.4567-).
Obviously, I can achieve the above by loads of code, but does anyone know if it's possible to get the desired result by simply using editting symbols ?
I have no problem converting this to a leading and trailing zero suppressed field for example -
Input - 000000000123.450000 Output 123.45
However, I do have a problem when it's signed. For instance, if I define the output as PIC Z(11)9.9(6)-,
the result is 123.450000-, NOT the result I would like - 123.45-, (or input = -12.4567 output = 12.4567-).
Obviously, I can achieve the above by loads of code, but does anyone know if it's possible to get the desired result by simply using editting symbols ?