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floating netscape layers

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Oct 1, 2000
i have a page which has a navigation bar which occupies the width of the browser space and height ..equal to about that of the address bar..
it simulates a frame and floats over page elements.. it works fine in IE and NS functionally but in netscape the page form elements like radio buttons punch out through the layer not able to figure it out.. has anybody faced this problem before..
please advise

code follows :

<!-- begin -->
.spanstyle {
background:pink ;
background : #FFCC00;
var junk = 50;
function handleNavBar()
var thisspan = eval(&quot;span&quot;+&quot;1&quot;+&quot;.style&quot;)
thisspan.posLeft=0 ;
thisspan.posTop=document.body.scrollTop ; //y ;
var thisspan = eval(&quot;document.span&quot;+&quot;1&quot;) ;
thisspan.left = 0 ;
thisspan.top = window.pageYOffset + 55 ;

// document.span2.visibility = &quot;hide&quot; ;
// var otherspan = eval(&quot;document.span&quot;+&quot;2&quot;) ;
// thisspan.zIndex = 0;
// otherspan.zIndex = 1 ;

/////// ch=document.body.clientHeight;
// alert(document.body.clientWidth) ;

window.document.layers['span1'].moveAbove(window.document.layers['span2']) ;
window.document.layers['span2'].moveBelow(window.document.layers['span1']) ;

setTimeout(&quot;handleNavBar()&quot;,10) ;
//window.setinterval(handleNavBar(),5000) ;

function listboxclickhandle()
var thisobj = eval(&quot;document.span1.document.form1.SalesNames&quot;) ;
//thisobj.layers[0].src = &quot;<form name='form1'><SELECT Name='SalesNames' onchange='listboxclickhandle()'><OPTION Value='one'>one<OPTION Value='vikram'>kumeta<OPTION Value='Rick'>Rick<OPTION Value='Kevin'>Kevin</Select> <table border='0' width='95%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor=yellow><tr><td>VIKRAM KUMETA</td></tr></table></form>&quot; ;
// thisobj[thisobj.length] = new option(&quot;junk&quot;) ;
// thisobj[thisobj.length-1].value = &quot;junk&quot;;
//thisobj[thisobj.length-1].text = &quot; junk &quot; ;
thisobj[0].value = &quot;vikram&quot; ;
thisobj[0].text=&quot;vikram&quot; ;
alert(thisobj) ;


<layer id=span1 name=span1 class=&quot;spanstyle&quot;>
<form name=&quot;form1&quot; id=&quot;form1&quot; >
<SELECT Name=&quot;SalesNames&quot; onchange=&quot;listboxclickhandle()&quot;>
<OPTION Value=&quot;Jeff&quot;>Jeff
<OPTION Value=&quot;Charles&quot;>Charles
<OPTION Value=&quot;Rick&quot;>Rick
<OPTION Value=&quot;Kevin&quot;>Kevin

<input type = button name = &quot; junk &quot; value = &quot; junk &quot; onclick=&quot;listboxclickhandle()&quot;>
<table border=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot;>

<tr><td colspan=&quot;23&quot;>
<table cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot;>
<tr><td><img src=&quot;images/loinctotesttitle1.gif&quot;></td>
<td width=&quot;80%&quot; background=&quot;images/titleline.gif&quot;>&nbsp</td>
<td width=&quot;10%&quot;><img NAME=&quot;LOINCLIST&quot; src = &quot;images/selectloincblk.gif&quot; border=0></img></a></td>
</table> </td>

<td width=&quot;5%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>SELECT</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;7%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>KEYWORD</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;7%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b></b></font>
<img name=&quot;image1&quot; src=&quot;images/sortby_white.gif&quot;>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;13%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b></b></font>
<img name=&quot;image2&quot; src=&quot;images/sortby_white.gif&quot;>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;8%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>PROPERTY</b></font>
<img name=&quot;image3&quot; src=&quot;images/sortby_white.gif&quot;>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;4%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>TIME</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>

<td width=&quot;6%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>SYSTEM</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;4%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>SCALE</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>

<td width=&quot;6%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>METHOD</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;11%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>RELATED NAMES</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>

<td width=&quot;3%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>CLASS</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;1%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>|</b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;8%&quot;><font face = &quot;Times New Roman&quot; size = 1><b>TYPE</b></font></td>
<tr><td colspan=&quot;23&quot; background=&quot;images/titleline.gif&quot;>&nbsp</td></tr>



<body onLoad=&quot;handleNavBar()&quot;>

<layer id=span2 name=span2 class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<form name =&quot;junk&quot;>
<!-- <br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; style=&quot;background : #FFCC00; color : black; z-index : 100;&quot;> -->
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<!-- <br><input type = text name = &quot;junktext&quot; length=34 style=&quot;float:left&quot;> -->
<br><a href=&quot;&quot;><input type = radio name = &quot;value&quot; ></a>
<br><a href=&quot;&quot;><input type = radio name = &quot;value&quot; ></a>
<br><a href=&quot;&quot;><input type = radio name = &quot;value&quot; ></a>
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<br><a href=&quot;&quot;><input type = radio name = &quot;value&quot; ></a>
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<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
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<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<br><input type = radio name=&quot;junk1&quot; value= &quot;junk1&quot; class=&quot;radiostyle&quot;>
<!-- end -->
ok its real hard to tell what the problem really is. it would be better to actually see it. do you have a link to this page. if so please post.
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Part and Inventory Search

