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Floating Menu 1

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Mar 28, 2002
I have some code that creates a floating menu. It works fine when the script is on the page, but when i put the code onto a seperate .js page and try to reference it, it does not work.

Any ideas as to what I am missing would be much appreciated.

<script src="includes/JScript1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<div id="floatdiv" style="BORDER:#2266aa 2px solid; PADDING:16px; BACKGROUND:#ffffff; height:150px; width:200px; position:absolute; top:40px; left:20px; Z-INDEX:100;">
This is a floating javascript menu.
<asp:panel id="Panel1" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 230px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 16px; border:red 1px dashed;" runat="server"
Width="912px" Height="1816px">Panel</asp:panel>

<!-- <script>

var target_x = 10;
var target_y = 10;

var has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
var has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

var fm_id='floatdiv';
var floating_menu =
? document.getElementById(fm_id)
: document.all
? document.all[fm_id]
: document.layers[fm_id];

var fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

function move_menu()
if (document.layers)
floating_menu.left = fm_next_x;
floating_menu.top = fm_next_y;
floating_menu.style.left = fm_next_x + 'px';
floating_menu.style.top = fm_next_y + 'px';

function compute_shifts()
fm_shift_x = has_inner
? pageXOffset
: has_element
? document.documentElement.scrollLeft
: document.body.scrollLeft;
if (target_x < 0)
fm_shift_x += has_inner
? window.innerWidth
: has_element
? document.documentElement.clientWidth
: document.body.clientWidth;

fm_shift_y = has_inner
? pageYOffset
: has_element
? document.documentElement.scrollTop
: document.body.scrollTop;
if (target_y < 0)
fm_shift_y += has_inner
? window.innerHeight
: has_element
? document.documentElement.clientHeight
: document.body.clientHeight;

function float_menu()
var target_x = 10;
var target_y = 10;

var has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
var has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

var fm_id='floatdiv';
var floating_menu =
? document.getElementById(fm_id)
: document.all
? document.all[fm_id]
: document.layers[fm_id];

var fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

var step_x, step_y;


step_x = (fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x) * .07;
if (Math.abs(step_x) < .5)
step_x = fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x;

step_y = (fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y) * .07;
if (Math.abs(step_y) < .5)
step_y = fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y;

if (Math.abs(step_x) > 0 ||
Math.abs(step_y) > 0)
fm_next_x += step_x;
fm_next_y += step_y;

setTimeout('float_menu()', 20);

if (document.layers)
// Netscape 4 cannot perform init move
// when the page loads.
fm_next_x = 0;
fm_next_y = 0;
fm_next_x = fm_shift_x + target_x;
fm_next_y = fm_shift_y + target_y;

</script> -->

Posting the contents of the script file you're having problems with would be a good start.

Make sure first that you've not got any "<script>" or "<!--" comments inside your script, however.


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
Thanks for your reply Dan

I have checked my code and I have no comments inside of it. The code below is what is in the .js file

var target_x = 10;
var target_y = 10;

var has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
var has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

var fm_id='floatdiv';
var floating_menu =
? document.getElementById(fm_id)
: document.all
? document.all[fm_id]
: document.layers[fm_id];

var fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

function move_menu()
if (document.layers)
floating_menu.left = fm_next_x;
floating_menu.top = fm_next_y;
floating_menu.style.left = fm_next_x + 'px';
floating_menu.style.top = fm_next_y + 'px';

function compute_shifts()
fm_shift_x = has_inner
? pageXOffset
: has_element
? document.documentElement.scrollLeft
: document.body.scrollLeft;
if (target_x < 0)
fm_shift_x += has_inner
? window.innerWidth
: has_element
? document.documentElement.clientWidth
: document.body.clientWidth;

fm_shift_y = has_inner
? pageYOffset
: has_element
? document.documentElement.scrollTop
: document.body.scrollTop;
if (target_y < 0)
fm_shift_y += has_inner
? window.innerHeight
: has_element
? document.documentElement.clientHeight
: document.body.clientHeight;

function float_menu()

var step_x, step_y;


step_x = (fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x) * .07;
if (Math.abs(step_x) < .5)
step_x = fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x;

step_y = (fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y) * .07;
if (Math.abs(step_y) < .5)
step_y = fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y;

if (Math.abs(step_x) > 0 ||
Math.abs(step_y) > 0)
fm_next_x += step_x;
fm_next_y += step_y;

setTimeout('float_menu()', 20);

if (document.layers)
// Netscape 4 cannot perform init move
// when the page loads.
fm_next_x = 0;
fm_next_y = 0;
fm_next_x = fm_shift_x + target_x;
fm_next_y = fm_shift_y + target_y;


You probably want to add an onload handler to call the code - move the following lines from the bottom of the script file into a function:

function initMenu() {
   if (document.layers) {
       // Netscape 4 cannot perform init move
       // when the page loads.
       fm_next_x = 0;
       fm_next_y = 0;
   } else {
       fm_next_x = fm_shift_x + target_x;
       fm_next_y = fm_shift_y + target_y;

and then add a line at the bottom of the script:

window.onload = initMenu;

also you might need to re-calculate the variables at the top of the page within the function (in fact, i'd strongly advise it).

Hope this helps,

and then you'll probably need to

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch

Have tried adding the extra function and line of code, but still no luck.

The <div> displays fine on the page, it just doesnt move. I am not getting any errors on the page, its as though the page isnt seeing the js file.

Not sure what you meant by recalculating the variables.

Thanks for you time

Re. the recalculting vars bit, change this lot at the top of the JS file:

var target_x = 10;
var target_y = 10;

var has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
var has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

var fm_id='floatdiv';
var floating_menu =
    ? document.getElementById(fm_id)
    : document.all
      ? document.all[fm_id]
      : document.layers[fm_id];

var fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

to this:

var target_x, target_y, has_inner, has_element, fm_id, floating_menu, fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

and then add this at the top of the "initMenu" function:

target_x = 10;
target_y = 10;

has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

floating_menu = (document.getElementById) ? document.getElementById(fm_id) :
				(document.all) ? document.all[fm_id] : document.layers[fm_id];


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
its as though the page isnt seeing the js file.

You can test if it is getting to the "initMenu" function by putting an alert statement as the first line.


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch

I am still having problems. This is the code for the web page. The panel is on the page just to make it scroll.

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="WebForm1.aspx.vb" Inherits="floatingsidebar.WebForm1"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
		<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
		<meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1">
		<meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript">
		<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">[/URL]
		<script src="includes/JScript1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
		<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
			<div id="floatdiv" style="BORDER:#2266aa 2px solid; PADDING:16px; BACKGROUND:#ffffff; height:150px; width:200px; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; Z-INDEX:100;">
				This is a floating javascript menu.
			<asp:Panel id="Panel1" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 230px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 16px; border:red 1px dashed;" runat="server"
				Width="912px" Height="1200px">Panel</asp:Panel>


And this is the code for the .js file. Am I missing something still as the <div> just sits there when I load the page up

var target_x, target_y, has_inner, has_element, fm_id, floating_menu, fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

function move_menu()
    if (document.layers)
        floating_menu.left = fm_next_x;
        floating_menu.top = fm_next_y;
        floating_menu.style.left = fm_next_x + 'px';
        floating_menu.style.top = fm_next_y + 'px';

function compute_shifts()
    fm_shift_x = has_inner
        ? pageXOffset
        : has_element
          ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft
          : document.body.scrollLeft;
    if (target_x < 0)
        fm_shift_x += has_inner
            ? window.innerWidth
            : has_element
              ? document.documentElement.clientWidth
              : document.body.clientWidth;

    fm_shift_y = has_inner
        ? pageYOffset
        : has_element
          ? document.documentElement.scrollTop
          : document.body.scrollTop;
    if (target_y < 0)
        fm_shift_y += has_inner
            ? window.innerHeight
            : has_element
              ? document.documentElement.clientHeight
              : document.body.clientHeight;

function float_menu()

    var step_x, step_y;


    step_x = (fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x) * .07;
    if (Math.abs(step_x) < .5)
        step_x = fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x;

    step_y = (fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y) * .07;
    if (Math.abs(step_y) < .5)
        step_y = fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y;

    if (Math.abs(step_x) > 0 ||
        Math.abs(step_y) > 0)
        fm_next_x += step_x;
        fm_next_y += step_y;

    setTimeout('float_menu()', 20);

function init_menu()

target_x = 10;
target_y = 10;
has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

floating_menu = (document.getElementById) ? document.getElementById(fm_id) : (document:all) ? document.all[fm_id] : document.layers[fm_id];

if (document.layers)
    // Netscape 4 cannot perform init move
    // when the page loads.
    fm_next_x = 0;
    fm_next_y = 0;
    fm_next_x = fm_shift_x + target_x;
    fm_next_y = fm_shift_y + target_y;


window.onload = init_menu;

Thanks again for any help

Yes I did Dan, it hasnt worked. I didnt see your last post until after I had put up my last post.

Thanks again

OK - so probably:

- The path & name to your JS file is incorrect (or maybe the wrong case). Try visiting "includes/JScript1.js" relative to the page you're loading and see if you get the JS file back.

- You have something else overriding the onload event. Do you have ANY other script on the page that might be doing this?

- Are you seenig any JS errors (try in Firefox if you're not in IE)

Failing that, can you post a URL to your page?


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch

Thanks for all your help yesterday.

I have spent most of today going through the code and I have started again from scratch. I have put some alert messages in the code, and i do now see the alerts.

The one's i see are Line 85, compute_shifts and Line 43. They display in the order listed. But the box still does not scroll.

I did try your code with the initMenu but I could not get it to run.

var target_x = 10;
var target_y = 10;

var has_inner = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number';
var has_element = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth;

var fm_id='floatdiv';
var floating_menu = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(fm_id) : document.all ? document.all[fm_id] : document.layers[fm_id];

var fm_shift_x, fm_shift_y, fm_next_x, fm_next_y;

//------------------FUNCTION START---------------------------
function move_menu()
alert('line 28');
    if (document.layers)
alert('line 31');
        floating_menu.left = fm_next_x;
        floating_menu.top = fm_next_y;
alert('line 36');
        floating_menu.style.left = fm_next_x + 'px';
        floating_menu.style.top = fm_next_y + 'px';
//------------------FUNCTION END-----------------------------
//------------------FUNCTION START---------------------------

function compute_shifts()
[COLOR=red yellow]alert('compute_shifts');[/color red yellow]
[COLOR=red yellow]alert('line 43');[/color red yellow]
    fm_shift_x = has_inner ? pageXOffset : has_element ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
    if (target_x < 0)
alert('line 46');
        fm_shift_x += has_inner ? window.innerWidth : has_element ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth;
		fm_shift_y = has_inner ? pageYOffset : has_element ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
    if (target_y < 0)
alert('line 50');
        fm_shift_y += has_inner ? window.innerHeight : has_element ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight;

//------------------FUNCTION END-----------------------------
//------------------FUNCTION START---------------------------

function float_menu()
    var step_x, step_y;
alert('line 61');

alert('line 64');

    step_x = (fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x) * .07;
    if (Math.abs(step_x) < .5)
        step_x = fm_shift_x + target_x - fm_next_x;
		step_y = (fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y) * .07;
    if (Math.abs(step_y) < .5)
        step_y = fm_shift_y + target_y - fm_next_y;

    if (Math.abs(step_x) > 0 ||
        Math.abs(step_y) > 0)
        fm_next_x += step_x;
        fm_next_y += step_y;

    setTimeout('float_menu()', 20);

[COLOR=red yellow]alert('line 85');[/color red yellow]

if (document.layers)
    // Netscape 4 cannot perform init move
    // when the page loads.
alert('line 92');
    fm_next_x = 0;
    fm_next_y = 0;
alert('line 98');
    fm_next_x = fm_shift_x + target_x;
    fm_next_y = fm_shift_y + target_y;


window.onload = float_menu();

Lots of hair pulling....not that I had much to pull in the first place [afro]

To clarify, this:


will try and find the element with an ID of "floatdiv" - which will not be on the page when the vars are initialised first time. This is why you need to do this after the page has loaded.


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
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