Hi, i'm a beginner developer in Visual C++ 6.0, and i'm trying to create a simple paint application.The problem i must effort is to evitate the view flickering derived from the Invalidate() during the WM_MOUSEMOVE message placed to refresh the view while the user is positioning the shapes.
In other words the usr pick a shape(es a circle), moves it in the view and double-click to position the shape that will be added to a CObArray.During the positioning we need to refresh the View to evitate the wake or trace left by the shape.This result in a flickering images proportional to many object in the array have to be continuosly redraw.
Can someone help me?
In other words the usr pick a shape(es a circle), moves it in the view and double-click to position the shape that will be added to a CObArray.During the positioning we need to refresh the View to evitate the wake or trace left by the shape.This result in a flickering images proportional to many object in the array have to be continuosly redraw.
Can someone help me?