Technical User
I have a couple Flexline 680/600's (two 680's with 2 FLX600 expansion units). The arrays are old de-commissioned junkers of about 22TB usable each (presented as multiple 1TB luns). The problem is that I have no idea on how to reconfigure the units (no documentation or software). I can see them under linux and can use them however I have two items that I want to do:
1) re-configure lun sizes and the base raid setup/hot sparing layout to provide some more redundancy
2) some of the trays indicate failed or smart failure on the drives. I don't need both flexlines up/ just one would do so I can scavenge parts from the other but noticed that if I pull/replace a tray from one to the other to swap out the drives the array does not appear to auto rebuild (possible manual effort needed to kick it off?)
This is for non production use (I want to play with it as a personal linux test system). There seems to be ZERO documentation on these units anywhere on the internet. Any help would be useful.