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Flat File DB 3

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Nov 23, 2004
Ok everyone I have a problem and have no idea how to solve it. I normally just use mySQL to do my db's but for this project we are useing mySQL for intitial storage of data then we are doing a little data manipulateing and storeing part of the data into a flat file DB. I have the code for what I am doing to get the data to the flat file but am not sure how to be able to use the data after I get it into the file.

So here is the code.

	$id 	= $row2[stat_id];
	$date 	= $row2[stat_date];
	$time 	= $row2[stat_time];
	$ip 	= $row2[stat_ip];
	$page 	= $row2[stat_page];
	$title 	= $row2[stat_title];

	$file = 'stats.db';


//	Opens File for write which erases file if it already exists
	$fp = fopen($file, "w");
//	$fp = fopen("data.txt","a");

//	Writes to file	
	fwrite($fp, $id . " &|& " . $date . " &|& " . $time . " &|& " . $ip . " &|& " . $page . " &|& " . $title . "\n");

//	Closes file


It gets the information from the db array and stores it here.

This is the db set of instructions:

	$query = "SELECT * FROM stats_it WHERE  `stat_ip` NOT LIKE '1ST IP GOES HERE' ORDER BY stat_id ASC";
	$result = mysql_query($query) or die/*(mysql_error());*/("Error with the submission.");

	$numRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$dropTmp = "DROP TABLE temp_Stats";
$dropRes = mysql_query($dropTmp) or die(mysql_error());//("Error with the submission.");

$queryTmp = "CREATE TABLE temp_Stats ( `stat_id` int(4) NOT NULL , `stat_date` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', `stat_time` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', `stat_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `stat_page` varchar(255) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`stat_id`))";
$resultTmp =  mysql_query($queryTmp) or die(mysql_error());//("Error with the submission.");

//	Inserts data into Temp Table
	$queryInsTmp = "REPLACE INTO temp_Stats SET stat_id=\"$row[stat_id]\", stat_date=\"$row[stat_date]\", stat_time=\"$row[stat_time]\", stat_ip=\"$row[stat_ip]\", stat_page=\"$row[stat_page]\"";
	$resultInsTmp =  mysql_query($queryInsTmp) or die(mysql_error());//("Error with the submission.");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
	$queryInsTmp = "REPLACE INTO temp_Stats SET stat_id=\"$row[stat_id]\", stat_date=\"$row[stat_date]\", stat_time=\"$row[stat_time]\", stat_ip=\"$row[stat_ip]\", stat_page=\"$row[stat_page]\"";

$resultInsTmp =  mysql_query($queryInsTmp) or die(mysql_error());//("Error with the submission.");


//SELECT * FROM TempTable";

//echo '<h1>' . $numRows . '</h1>';

	$query2 = "SELECT * FROM temp_stats WHERE  `stat_ip` NOT LIKE '2ND IP GOES HERE' ORDER BY stat_id ASC";
	$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die/*(mysql_error());*/("Error with the submission.");

	$numRows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);
	$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

//	Opens File for write which erases file if it already exists
	$file = 'stats.db';
	$fp = fopen($file, "w");

echo "<h3>" . $numRows . "<h3>";
echo "<h4>" . $numRows2 . "<h4>";

	$id 	= $row2[stat_id];
	$date 	= $row2[stat_date];
	$time 	= $row2[stat_time];
	$ip 	= $row2[stat_ip];
	$page 	= $row2[stat_page];
	$title 	= $row2[stat_title];

//	Writes to file	
	fwrite($fp, $id . " &|& " . $date . " &|& " . $time . " &|& " . $ip . " &|& " . $page . " &|& " . $i . "\n");


while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
//	echo $row2[stat_ip] . '<br />';

	$id 	= $row2[stat_id];
	$date 	= $row2[stat_date];
	$time 	= $row2[stat_time];
	$ip 	= $row2[stat_ip];
	$page 	= $row2[stat_page];
	$title 	= $row2[stat_title];

	$file = 'stats.db';

//	Writes to file	
	fwrite($fp, $id . " &|& " . $date . " &|& " . $time . " &|& " . $ip . " &|& " . $page . " &|& " . $title . "\n");
echo $i . '<br />';

//	Closes file

echo $i;


Thanks All in advance
If possiable I would like to read this data into an array.
Use the [blue]file()[/blue] function to open the file into an array.

It seems your column separator would be "[red]&|&[/red]"
explode each line of the file into the fields using the [blue]explode()[/blue] function.



Ignorance is not necessarily Bliss, case in point:
Unknown has caused an Unknown Error on Unknown and must be shutdown to prevent damage to Unknown.
if you're going to store data in a flatfile why don't you use a format like csv for which php has built in handler functions? or better still, use xml.
This is a quick way to dump the contents of your flatfile database into a html table:


class flat_db {

  var $_separator;
  var $_db = false;

  function set_separator($str) {
    $this->_separator = $str;

  function open_db($filename) {
    $this->_db = file($filename);

  function close_db() {

  function data_table() {
    echo "<table border=1>\n";
    foreach($this->_db as $record) {
      $record = rtrim($record);
      echo "<tr>\n";
      $fieldset = explode($this->_separator, $record);
      foreach($fieldset as $field)
        echo "<td>$field</td>\n";
      echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

$myDB = new flat_db;
$myDB->set_separator(" &|& ");


And, like jpadie says, use an open format like csv (Comma Separated Volume). Just make the separator a ; and then you will be able to open the file with many programs - f.ex. Excel.
Ok Guys ty very much. But I am having a problem.

The problem is the db. When it is getting it from the mysql it is printing every page out into a table. But the problem lies in that if a page has 29 hits it is printed out 29 times.

I was talking to someone and they were telling me about a tally function, and a way to pull from the database only unique items.

Any thoughts on how I can do this.
Here is the code


//	Creates table
	$table = "
		<table border='1' width='100%' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='5'>\n
				<th align='left' valign='top'>Page</th>\n
				<th align='right' valign='top'>Hit Count</th>\n
	$close = "</table>";


// Database Details
	global $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname;

// Attempt to connect to database server

	$link = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);

// Attempt to connect to select our database

	@mysql_select_db($dbname, $link);



//	Queries DB for records that don't have 10.1.
	$query = "SELECT * FROM stats_boe WHERE  `stat_ip` NOT LIKE '10.1.%' ORDER BY stat_id ASC";
	$result = mysql_query($query) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the submission 10.");
	$numRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);



//	works the Temparary table
	$dropTmp = "DROP TABLE temp_Stats";
	$dropRes = mysql_query($dropTmp) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with Temparary submission.");

//	$dropTmp = "DROP TABLE temp_Stats2";
//	$dropRes = mysql_query($dropTmp) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with Temparary submission.");
	$queryTmp = "CREATE TABLE `webStats`.`temp_Stats` (`stat_id` int( 4 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `stat_date` varchar( 10 ) NOT NULL default '', `stat_time` varchar( 8 ) NOT NULL default '', `stat_ip` varchar( 15 ) NOT NULL default '', `stat_page` text NOT NULL , `stat_title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( `stat_id` )) TYPE = MYISAM";
	$resultTmp =  mysql_query($queryTmp) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the submission.");
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
		$queryInsTmp = "REPLACE INTO temp_Stats SET stat_id=\"$row[stat_id]\", stat_date=\"$row[stat_date]\", stat_time=\"$row[stat_time]\", stat_ip=\"$row[stat_ip]\", stat_page=\"$row[stat_page]\", stat_title=\"$row[stat_title]\"";
		$resultInsTmp =  mysql_query($queryInsTmp) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the submission.");


//	Queries DB for records that don't have 163.150.
	$query2 = "SELECT * FROM temp_stats WHERE  `stat_ip` NOT LIKE '163.150.%' ORDER BY stat_id ASC";
	$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die/*(mysql_error());*/("Error with the submission 163.");

	$numRows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);
	$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

//Creates Temp2 and Inserts Data
	$queryTmp2 = "CREATE TABLE `webStats`.`temp_Stats2` (`stat_id` int( 4 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `stat_date` varchar( 10 ) NOT NULL default '', `stat_time` varchar( 8 ) NOT NULL default '', `stat_ip` varchar( 15 ) NOT NULL default '', `stat_page` text NOT NULL , `stat_title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( `stat_id` )) TYPE = MYISAM";
	$resultTmp2 =  mysql_query($queryTmp2) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error Creating  submission2.");
	while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
		$queryInsTmp2 = "REPLACE INTO temp_Stats2 SET stat_id=\"$row2[stat_id]\", stat_date=\"$row2[stat_date]\", stat_time=\"$row2[stat_time]\", stat_ip=\"$row2[stat_ip]\", stat_page=\"$row2[stat_page]\", stat_title=\"$row2[stat_title]\"";
		$resultInsTmp2 =  mysql_query($queryInsTmp2) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the submission.");


//	works the Temparary table
	$dropTmp2 = "DROP TABLE temp_Stats";
	$dropRes2 = mysql_query($dropTmp2) or die(mysql_error());//*/("Error Dropping  Temparary submission2.");

	$renTemp2 = "ALTER TABLE `temp_Stats2` RENAME `temp_Stats`";
	$renRes = mysql_query($renTemp2) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error Ren Temparary submission2.");

//	Inserts Final Data


//	Starts File Writing Proccess


//	Selects Index Page Hits
	$queryIndex = "SELECT * FROM `temp_stats` WHERE `stat_page` LIKE '/BoE/index_BoE.php?' ORDER BY stat_title DESC";
	$resIndex = mysql_query($queryIndex) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the Index.");
	$rowIndex = mysql_fetch_array($resIndex);
	$numIndex = mysql_num_rows($resIndex);

//	Sets $ index for Print
	$index = "<tr><td align='left' nowrap>" . $rowIndex[stat_title] . "</td><td align='right'>" . $numIndex . "</td></tr>\n"; 


//	Selects a Page
	$queryBody = "SELECT * FROM `temp_stats`_uniq WHERE `stat_page` NOT LIKE '/BoE/index_BoE.php?' ORDER BY stat_page ASC";
	$resBody = mysql_query($queryBody) or die/*(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the Body.");
	$rowBody = mysql_fetch_array($resBody);
	$numBody = mysql_num_rows($resBody);

//	Count Individual Pages
	$queryBody2 = "SELECT * FROM `temp_stats`_uniq WHERE `stat_page` LIKE '$rowBody[stat_page]' ORDER BY stat_title DESC";
	$resBody2 = mysql_query($queryBody2) or die(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the Body2.");
	$rowBody2 = mysql_fetch_array($resBody2);
	$numBody2 = mysql_num_rows($resBody2);
	$body = "<tr><td align='left' nowrap>" . $rowBody2[stat_page] . "</td><td align='right'>" . $numBody2 . "</td></tr>\n"; 

while($rowBody = mysql_fetch_array($resBody)){
//	Count Individual Pages
	$queryBody2 = "SELECT * FROM `temp_stats` WHERE `stat_page` LIKE '$rowBody[stat_page]' ORDER BY stat_title DESC";
	$resBody2 = mysql_query($queryBody2) or die(mysql_error());//*/("Error with the Body2.");
	$rowBody2 = mysql_fetch_array($resBody2);
	$numBody2 = mysql_num_rows($resBody2);
	$body .= "<tr><td align='left' nowrap>" . $rowBody2[stat_page] . "</td><td align='right'>" . $numBody2 . "</td></tr>\n"; 


//	echo $queryBody2;
//	echo $numIndex;

// Writes to Screen
	echo $table;
	echo $index;
	echo $body;
	echo $close;


I am printing to the screen until I can get it working right. But after that then it will do both printing to the screen and to the file.
It's up to your SQL query, to pick out the UNIQUES, for your select statement.

Try the MYSQL forum for assistance on modifying your query: forum436

Ignorance is not necessarily Bliss, case in point:
Unknown has caused an Unknown Error on Unknown and must be shutdown to prevent damage to Unknown.
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Part and Inventory Search

