I have a graphite 466 MHz iBook that occasionally has a flashing screen, where the screen will go white momentarily, and repeat this several times for a few minutes, then may not have this happen again for hours.
Already zapped P-RAM, reset power manager, rebuilt desktop, started up with extensions off (still does it using only base extensions). No new software or hardware has been added to the system since this started happening.
The symptom occurs regardless of whether on the battery or AC outlet. Doesn't seem to matter which applications are open, or whether the applications that are open require much memory. Memory allocations have been changed to see if that has any positive effect, but no.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have a graphite 466 MHz iBook that occasionally has a flashing screen, where the screen will go white momentarily, and repeat this several times for a few minutes, then may not have this happen again for hours.
Already zapped P-RAM, reset power manager, rebuilt desktop, started up with extensions off (still does it using only base extensions). No new software or hardware has been added to the system since this started happening.
The symptom occurs regardless of whether on the battery or AC outlet. Doesn't seem to matter which applications are open, or whether the applications that are open require much memory. Memory allocations have been changed to see if that has any positive effect, but no.
Thanks in advance for any help.