Greetings all! I'm new to this forum, but not to the world of older computers. I have a 10yr old computer that I'm using currently for email and surfing (safely) on the internet at home. I'm running 933mhz Pent and 512meg of ram and it works rather well for what it is. I subscribe to the old school of I don't need the greatest and latest just to do what I want do. Any way to the point, my company personal web site has updated to a fancier web format and they require Adobe flash player 10.0 or later to even get to the log in page. I haven't found anything I can use on the home box that will let me in the web site. I'm using the last FireFox that works with win98se. Really up grading to a later O/S isn't what I'd like to do. I have numerous boxes that I can update to at least win2k, but would rather not. Any help would be appreciated, I may be pushed a little toward the future even if I don't want to. Thanks!