I am quite new to flash but need to find or develop a flash player (xml-based content) that can display a category, then subcategory and finally mp3 files, a 3-tier menu system.
This could be either scolling and all visible or expandable on rollover for subcategory and mp3 titles.
What is the best approach to this? Is there anything out there already I could customise?
My actionscripting is pretty basic!
I am quite new to flash but need to find or develop a flash player (xml-based content) that can display a category, then subcategory and finally mp3 files, a 3-tier menu system.
This could be either scolling and all visible or expandable on rollover for subcategory and mp3 titles.
What is the best approach to this? Is there anything out there already I could customise?
My actionscripting is pretty basic!