I'm building a kiosk in Director MX that's going to run on a Windows XP machine. By clicking on one of the links on the main screen, a web app (hosted locally on the same computer) is loaded into the ActiveX Web Browser packaged with Director. This web app consists of a Flash map of the US that zooms in and out, and sends the user to another web page if they click on a specific city. Here's my problem - certain functions in the Flash movie seem to not be working in the browser control in Director for some reason, even though they work fine in a normal browser. For instance, once the user clicks on a state, the map zooms in and a "back" button appears that zooms the map back out. for some reason this button doesn't work in the browser in Director. Also, clicking on a city doesn't open the new web page in the browser in Director. Has anyone run across a problem like this before?