Hello all,
I have a problem that I have been working on to no avail for some time now. I have spent hours scouring the internet for helpful hints, but still have not been able to figure this out. I have a flash website that I want to put a form on. I have used html forms and asp for quite a while, but this is my first attempt at a flash form. I designed a movie clip that has the form in it. It consists of two parts. The first has all the form fields which are ui components. The submit button is supposed to send all the data to an asp page in the same directory as the swf. The second part is a thank you page which is supposed to be shown after the form input has been sent. Here is the action script code that I have on the submit button as well as the asp code I have in the seperate file. Thanks in advance for your help.
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("email_processor.asp", 1, "POST");
<% @language="VBSCRIPT" %>
Dim myMail, myBody
myBody = request.form("message_txt")
Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
set myMail=nothing
The form has three input fields (email_txt, subject_txt, message_txt) and a submit button. The command to go to the thank you part of the form works, but the email never comes. If you would like to see it in action, go to
I have a problem that I have been working on to no avail for some time now. I have spent hours scouring the internet for helpful hints, but still have not been able to figure this out. I have a flash website that I want to put a form on. I have used html forms and asp for quite a while, but this is my first attempt at a flash form. I designed a movie clip that has the form in it. It consists of two parts. The first has all the form fields which are ui components. The submit button is supposed to send all the data to an asp page in the same directory as the swf. The second part is a thank you page which is supposed to be shown after the form input has been sent. Here is the action script code that I have on the submit button as well as the asp code I have in the seperate file. Thanks in advance for your help.
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("email_processor.asp", 1, "POST");
<% @language="VBSCRIPT" %>
Dim myMail, myBody
myBody = request.form("message_txt")
Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
set myMail=nothing
The form has three input fields (email_txt, subject_txt, message_txt) and a submit button. The command to go to the thank you part of the form works, but the email never comes. If you would like to see it in action, go to