This code goes into the header <br><FONT FACE=monospace><br><script language="JavaScript"><br><!--<br>function MM_checkPlugin(plugin, theURL, altURL, IEGoesToURL) { //v2.0<br> if ((navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins[plugin]) ¦¦ //if NS, or<br> (IEGoesToURL && //if flag set, and MSIE browser for Win95/NT (ActiveX)<br> navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1 &&<br> navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') == -1 &&<br> navigator.appVersion.indexOf('3.1') == -1)) {<br> if (theURL.length>2) window.location = theURL;<br> } else {<br> if (altURL.length>2) window.location = altURL;<br> }<br> document.MM_returnValue = false;<br>}<br>//--><br></script><br></font><br><br>and in the body onload function u use this so that it will call<br>and then if present the it will send the person to the indexflash and if not present it will go to indexhtml <br><br><FONT FACE=monospace><br> onLoad="MM_checkPlugin('Shockwave Flash','indexflash.htm','indexhtml.htm',true);return document.MM_returnValue"<br><br></font><br><br>In flash 4 this feature is present & it automatically asks the person to go to the the macromedia site for the flash plugin and installs it <br><br> <p>Unicorn11<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>Hi there it all likeminded fellows!!!!!!
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