sorry i didnt explain it very well, i want a counter displayed the seconds from 1 second to 30 seconds after the 30 seconds i want it to the next frame.
Create a three frame movie (or clip). On layer one in frame 1 and 2 place a dynamic text field where var=counter.
Create an Actions layer. In a keyframe on frame 2 place the following action:
//Set Timer
if (startTime==null){
setTimer = getTimer();
//Check Timer Value and display seconds
if (getTimer()<startTime+26000){
_root.counter = math.round(i/10);
Then on Frame 3 place a static text box that says "Done" or something like that. Also place a stop(); action in the action layer for frame 3.
The result is a movie that counts to 30 and goes to the next frame.
Hope that helps!
Wow JT that almost looked like you knew what you were doing!
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