The keyword search is temporarily down, so I hope this isn't a repeat question.
I have a flash movie on my page. The page is a .cfm file. Everything works fine until I put a <CFINCLUDE> tag on the page. For those of you familiar with CF, I was simply including a footer on the page which had nothing to do with the flash. Once I do it, I refresh the page and the flash never loads. Any clues? Can I not use flash on a page with <CFINCLUDE>? If so, that would really suck! Kevin
I have a flash movie on my page. The page is a .cfm file. Everything works fine until I put a <CFINCLUDE> tag on the page. For those of you familiar with CF, I was simply including a footer on the page which had nothing to do with the flash. Once I do it, I refresh the page and the flash never loads. Any clues? Can I not use flash on a page with <CFINCLUDE>? If so, that would really suck! Kevin