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First time in XML (XMLDOM Problems)

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Feb 23, 2005
Hi this is my first post here, and this is my first time using XML, what got me to use XML was to refresh a portion of my webpage without refreshing the whole page. What I'm trying to do is for a user to Enter its FirstName and Lastname on a .html document and then I want to send this data to a .asp document which looks up the record in a database and then I want to display them on the .html document.

This is the code for the .htm document

<META name=VI60_defaultClientScript content=VBScript>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">


Function fxsearch()
             'msgbox("Hello" & " " & lname.value & ", " & fname.value)
            ' testing to see if the function is even being called on the click event
	' it works until here

             dim root
	dim source		
	dim x					
	dim passpara			
	dim sT
	passpara = "[URL unfurl="true"]"[/URL] &   _
             fname.value & "&lname=" & lname.value
	source = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
	source.async = false
	root = source.documentElement
'	for each x in source.documentElement.childNodes
'		document.write("<b>" & x.nodename & "</b>")
'		document.write(": ")
'		document.write(x.text)
'		document.write("<br>")
'	next	

Response.write sT
End Function


<P>First Name : <INPUT id=fname name=""><BR>Last 
Name&nbsp;:&nbsp;<INPUT id=lname name=""></P>
<P><INPUT id=button1 style="LEFT: 9px; TOP: 82px" type=button value="Look Up!" onclick="fxsearch()" name=button1></P>


This is the code for the .asp document

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

	dim conn
	dim rs
	dim strsql1
	dim fname
	dim lname
	fname = Request("fname")
	lname = Request("lname")
	set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
	conn.Open = "C:\Inetpub\[URL unfurl="true"]wwwroot\test.mdb"[/URL]
	strsql = "Select * from name where firstname ='" & fname &  _
                        "' and lastname = '" & lname & "'"
	set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	sT = sT & "<tableofnames>" & vbcrlf
	do while not rs.EOF
		sT = sT & "<name>" & vbcrlf
		sT = sT & "<fname>" & rs("firstname") & "</fname>"
		sT = sT & "<lname>" & rs("lastname") & "</lname>"
		sT = sT & "</name>"


	sT = sT & "</tableofnames>" 

Response.Write sT

set rs = nothing

set conn = nothing


What am I doing wrong? this is my first venture in XML I read alot of articles about the XMLHTTP and XMLDOM, but couldn't quite figure it out, I would greatly appreciate all the help.


You can't do what you are trying to do.
passpara should be a reference to an XML file. You are sending it a reference to an ASP file. The ASP cannot be run, because that happens server-side. You are using code that is run only on the client.
Actually I got it working, thanx for the help, I used the XMLHTTP object to send stuff to an asp page, the asp page gets the results from the database and then I do a response.write which writes in XML format and then I use the XMLDOM object on the client page to populate my combo box with the results.

Was about to reply and say you could do it! Didn't know about XMLHTTP, but have just read about it. I always thought you should be able to do it - and you can. Thanks for the post, you have opened my eyes to new possibilities.

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