I'm getting ready to introduce our first 2008 64bit domain controller in our 32 bit domain. Our entire domain consists of a few 2008 boxes but the rest are 2003 SP2 32 bit boxes, including the current DC's.
I've read quite a few articles on line, sounds pretty straight forward. On the to be 2008 64bit domain controller, I run the adprep /forest, and then use dcpromo as normal.
Is that all there is to it? I've already established the to be 2008 DC as a DNS server in the domain and of course it's already a member.
Anything I need to be careful of that I may be over looking?
I've read quite a few articles on line, sounds pretty straight forward. On the to be 2008 64bit domain controller, I run the adprep /forest, and then use dcpromo as normal.
Is that all there is to it? I've already established the to be 2008 DC as a DNS server in the domain and of course it's already a member.
Anything I need to be careful of that I may be over looking?