I am using Crystal XI.
I am trying to calculate the number of episodes that the admission date falls within a month to date (MTD) and a year to date (YTD) range. The difference here is that I want it to calculate the MTD and YTD totals based on a date entered by the end user and not the CurrentDate of the system.
For example. Todays Date is 5/12/08. The user enters 5/5/08. I want it to calculate the MTD totals from 5/1/08 - 5/5/08 and the YTD totals from 1/1/08 to 5/5/08.
I am needing a formula that I assume goes something like this.
{admission_date} in (First of Month) to {?Date entered by user}
I know how I am going to do the counting of the episodes but am unsure of how to accomplish the MTD and YTD scenario.
How can I accomplish this?
I am trying to calculate the number of episodes that the admission date falls within a month to date (MTD) and a year to date (YTD) range. The difference here is that I want it to calculate the MTD and YTD totals based on a date entered by the end user and not the CurrentDate of the system.
For example. Todays Date is 5/12/08. The user enters 5/5/08. I want it to calculate the MTD totals from 5/1/08 - 5/5/08 and the YTD totals from 1/1/08 to 5/5/08.
I am needing a formula that I assume goes something like this.
{admission_date} in (First of Month) to {?Date entered by user}
I know how I am going to do the counting of the episodes but am unsure of how to accomplish the MTD and YTD scenario.
How can I accomplish this?