New to this forum, so if I posted in the wrong place please relocate.
I have a backend hosted online I am connecting to via dsn file. Not worried about exposing passwords etc to users at this stage not part of this discussion please.
I have sped the form load times up by restricting records returned on loading to the first five records, however it is then seeming to take a very long time to search...I am using
Based on my limited understanding this is about as fast as I can get the query, however it is still too slow.
Is there a way I can change this to be a passthrough query?
How do you do that?
As I understand it a passthrough would be processed on the SQL Server and only send back the single record via the connection?
New to this forum, so if I posted in the wrong place please relocate.
I have a backend hosted online I am connecting to via dsn file. Not worried about exposing passwords etc to users at this stage not part of this discussion please.
I have sped the form load times up by restricting records returned on loading to the first five records, however it is then seeming to take a very long time to search...I am using
strSQL = "SELECT dbo_Clients.Clientid, dbo_Clients.AccountContact, dbo_Clients.AccountEmail, dbo_Clients.Address, dbo_Clients.Name, dbo_Clients.OfficePhone, " & _
"dbo_Clients.PostCode, dbo_Clients.ShentonAcc, dbo_Clients.Suburb " & _
"FROM dbo_Clients " & _
"WHERE (((dbo_Clients.Clientid)= " & Me.cboClientSearch & "));"
Me.RecordSource = strSQL
Is there a way I can change this to be a passthrough query?
How do you do that?
As I understand it a passthrough would be processed on the SQL Server and only send back the single record via the connection?